My ideal sleeping scenario is actually sans mattress. For whatever reason, I love the cold, hard embrace of the floor. If I lived alone, I would have bought one of those Japanese tatami rolls and sleep straight on the floor. But, my girlfriend, who is more normal than me, wanted something comfortable and soft. We ended up compromising with the Purple RestorePlus, in the firm offering.

She was mad thinking it was going to be too firm. I was mad thinking it was going to be too soft. Six months later? We’re both in love with this mattress.

My girlfriend was the first to cave. After a few days, she admitted it was a lot softer than she expected. When she agreed to firm, she thought it was going to be rock-solid—the way I wanted the mattress. (That was my assumption, as well.) What we realized is that even a firm Purple mattress feels a bit squishy. That is, obviously, due to the weird, patented, and now famous Purple GelFlex grid.

If you’re not familiar with the GelFlex grid, it’s about a three-inch tall gel topper that’s cut in to this thin grid-paper-like pattern. There’s no memory foam topper like on most mattress models. The result is a topper with low density, and it folds in on itself when under pressure. So, even on a firm mattress, you get that squishy mattress sensation, more than you would with a dense foam topper. It feels unlike anything else on the market, totally unique. My girlfriend was hooked. All her pressure point issues were relieved.

To be totally honest, it took a little longer to convert me. For about the first two weeks, I still thought it was too squishy. Like I said, I crave the floor’s hard embrace. I like my bed to push against me.

Purple RestorePlus Hybrid

RestorePlus Hybrid

Purple RestorePlus Hybrid

Now 13% Off

After those first two weeks though, I guess I’d broken in the bed. I started to realize I was getting the best sleep I’ve had in a long time. I’ve never had issues sleeping, but sharing a bed with another person, I’d always find myself waking up for one reason or another—too hot, movement transfer from my girlfriend, or to change positions myself. But on the Purple RestorePlus? I sleep through the night, every single night. And, when I wake up, I feel ready to go. I can’t be on this thing for more than five minutes before I’m out, and nothing is waking me up until our cat is in our face meowing for breakfast.

It’s made me reflect, though. What is so different about this mattress that I’m getting the best sleep of my life? I’ve discovered it’s not down to one, single factor. It’s (get this) the whole mattress.

The GelFlex topper is squishy. You instantly get a little bit of that hugged feeling. It’s also incredibly porous, so it sleeps incredibly cool. I never wake up hot and sweaty. Below that, the memory foam is dense, and it only gives way on my heaviest pressure point. And below that, you have the beautiful three-zone coils. The head of the bed offers gentle support, your shoulder sinks in. The middle is super firm, which properly caresses your center of gravity at the hip and lower back. And, the third zone is the squishiest of all, because it gently keeps your feet in alignment with the rest of your body. Put it all together, and reader, you’ve got a five-star sleeping experience.

I’ve never had issues falling asleep, I can do it anywhere, on any surface. But when I’m at a hotel, visiting family, or otherwise away from my shitty Brooklyn loft, I can’t help but think: I wish I were back on my weird squishy mattress.

Read the full article here


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