Today is the day—a rare total solar eclipse in Aries is coming. This afternoon, the moon is set to line up with the Sun, essentially blocking its light and making it “go dark” for around four minutes.

Even if you aren’t within the optimal viewing path of the eclipse, it will still have an impact from an astrological perspective. Unlike a lunar eclipse, which is associated with getting back on the right track, a solar eclipse signifies new beginnings.

“A solar eclipse in Aries, particularly when conjunct Chiron, known as the ‘Wounded Healer,’ offers a potent cosmic event focused on initiating new beginnings, self-discovery, and profound healing,” astrologer Francesca Oddie tells Glamour. “This alignment tends to stir deep, often buried, emotional, physical, or spiritual wounds, urging each of us to confront, heal, and eventually transcend our limitations or past hurts. The influence of Aries imbues courage, assertiveness, and the drive to take charge of our destinies.”

She adds, “We all have a wound. We are all rejected and hurt by life. It’s time to understand where that rejection took place and accept it fully so that you can move on from it.”

While this eclipse can be a time of healing for everyone, here are Francesca’s insights into what this solar eclipse means for each specific star sign…


This eclipse marks a significant personal rebirth. You’re encouraged to face your vulnerabilities head-on and discover your inner strength. It’s a time to redefine your identity, focusing on self-improvement and healing. Embrace the courage Aries offers to tackle challenges directly.


For Taurus, this eclipse activates the realm of the subconscious, urging you to release past traumas or self-limiting beliefs. It’s a period for introspection and finding peace with your past. Spiritual practices or therapy can provide valuable tools for healing your inner world so that your outer world begins to reflect your inner calm, strength, and power.


This event highlights your social circles and community involvement, Gemini. It may prompt you to reconsider your roles within groups or your aspirations for the future. Healing comes through realising your ideal social connections and engaging in collective activities that align with your true self. When you bring people together, you change the world.


Career and public standing are in focus for Cancer. This eclipse may bring to light any insecurities or challenges you face in your professional life, urging you to address and heal them. Embrace the confidence to step into your power and lead. Value your role in the home as much as your professional life! Your nurturance is invaluable.


For Leo, this is a time of broadening horizons and spiritual growth. You’re encouraged to step out of your comfort zone, explore new philosophies, or pursue educational endeavours that facilitate your healing journey. Travel, either physical or metaphorical, can bring insightful revelations.


This eclipse delves deep into your psyche, Virgo, urging you to confront and heal from financial or emotional entanglements. It’s an opportunity to settle debts—emotional or monetary—and reclaim your power. Transformation comes from letting go of what no longer serves you and making sure all your investments are in order.


Relationships are your focus during this eclipse, Libra. It’s a time to address wounds related to partnerships or your approach to them. Healing is found in balancing your needs with those of significant others and forging deeper, more authentic connections. Stop people pleasing, cease being scared of being rejected so that people get to see you for who you really are! That’s the bliss!


Scorpio, your health and daily routines are spotlighted. This eclipse encourages you to adopt healing practices that enhance your physical well-being and bring balance to your daily life. It’s an ideal time to initiate new health regimens or refine your work-life balance. Create a ritual and commit to change.


Creativity, romance, and self-expression are in focus for Sagittarius. This eclipse invites you to heal through joy, love, and tapping into your creative passions. Embrace opportunities for playful expression and let your inner child lead the way to healing. Your fun loving attitude is what attracts people to you…embrace it!


For Capricorn, home and family matters take center stage. This period may bring up familial wounds or issues related to your sense of security. Healing comes from addressing these issues head-on and nurturing your foundations. Understanding how your family and the things they say to you have impacted you is vital! Change the voice in your head.


Communication and learning are highlighted for Aquarius. This eclipse may reveal areas where your voice or understanding has been stifled, urging you to seek healing through open dialogue and curiosity. Strengthening connections through clear communication is key. Say what you mean and commit to it.


Pisces, this eclipse focuses on your values and material resources. It’s a time to reassess what truly matters to you and how you can secure your foundations, including financial stability. Healing your relationship with abundance allows for growth and self-sufficiency. Your creativity is golden!

Read the full article here


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