Welcome to your monthly Tarotscopes, celestial babe! The entire year of 2024 is full of powerful transits, and these notable shifts continue for us during an exciting and transformative April. Below, we have horoscopes for each of the 12 zodiac signs with a unique Tarot card pulled to predict the month ahead for every member of the zodiac. Be sure to read for both your sun and rising sign for the most accurate reading.

April is bringing us a significant opportunity to realign with the life that we desire…but it might come at the cost of your peace. We enter this month still in the midst of Aries season, which encourages us to be bold and take risks in order to reach our goals. This is a great time to tap into your confidence and leave uncertainty and insecurity behind you. No more checking the rear view mirror, this month requires you to keep your eyes (and attention) pointed ahead.

We start this month with Mercury Retrograde in Aries. Starting on April 1 this retrograde will be affecting the way we communicate, travel, and use technology through April 25. During this transit you will notice that you have an opportunity to “right” any “wrongs” from your past, but be cautious of scorching ground in the present for your future self to deal with. You (and everyone else) may be tempted to act first and apologize later, but be wary of how far you’ll push other people’s buttons during this retrograde. Instead of causing too much trouble, use this retrograde as a time to reconnect with your inner child and have the fun you’ve been avoiding.

We then have Venus, the planet of beauty and love entering bold Aries on April 5. Venus encourages us to tap into our desires in a more direct way, and in the sign of Aries this will be more instinctual and physical in nature.

On April 8 we have a major new moon solar eclipse in Aries, which marks the start of a new chapter in our lives. Although some people are fearful of this eclipse, I want to encourage you to act, think, and feel in ways that are new to you. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and if we look at this eclipse (metaphorically…not literally without eclipse-friendly shades!) as a chance to be reborn, there is nothing to fear, only to look towards with excitement. Let go of your preconceived notions of yourself and life in general during this lunation and you will find yourself pleasantly surprised with what it brings. On the 19th, Taurus season begins shifting us away from being so emblazoned, and instead we will benefit from rest and enjoying ourselves at a more slow and relaxed pace.

April wraps up with the full moon in Scorpio’s arrival on April 23. This full moon will illuminate the darkest parts of our souls and remind us that we have to embrace ourselves in our entirety, and not just the parts of us that are easy to digest. Get real, raw, and intimate with yourself under this full moon, your shadow has been waiting to feel seen, and more importantly, understood. Mercury retrograde ends just a couple of days later on April 25 when Mercury stations direct in Aries, setting us free from the shackles of confusion and disorientation. We will start to see a more intentional and grounded version of ourselves emerging around that time, and even moreso when Venus enters Taurus on April 29. This is a great time to figure out what (and who) you might want to commit to in a more long-term fashion. Think about how your identity, relationships, career path, and self-talk are all impacting your future self during this transition—and recalibrate as necessary.

Read the full article here


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