Milo Yiannopoulos, who previously served as Chief of Staff for the artist formerly known as Kanye West, leveled some serious allegations this week against a celebrity dentist named Dr. Thomas P. Connelly about how they’re treating Ye.

The claims were detailed, troubling for many fans, and have thus far (as of this writing) not spurred a public response from Ye himself.

In short, Yiannopoulos, an oft-criticized figure perhaps best known outside of the larger Ye universe for his time at Breitbart and other far-right fuckery, alleges that the celebrity dentist Dr. Connelly is responsible for getting Ye “hooked” on nitrous oxide, more commonly referred to as laughing gas.

The claims were swiftly denied by Dr. Connelly’s spokesperson. When fans started looking into Connelly though, there were some things they noticed and highlighted across social media.

Complex decided to take a slightly closer look at allegations against the dentist and into his background. See more below.

What did Yiannopoulos claim the dentist did?

On Aug. 7, Yiannopoulos told his X followers that he had “something important to share” about his time working with Ye. According to Yiannopoulos, sharing such allegations was being done at “considerable personal risk.” From there, the 39-year-old How to Be Poor author shared a 22-page sworn affidavit he said was “in support of” his complaint to the California Dental Board regarding Dr. Thomas P. Connelly, DDS.

“For the avoidance of doubt, I write in a personal capacity as Ye’s most senior member of staff for nearly two years, motivated by urgent concern for his safety and his health, in my own capacity and on behalf of several individuals close to him,” Milo wrote in the doc.

Milo’s allegations against Connelly include “the unlawful supply of enormous quantities of nitrous gas” for recreational use, charging $50,000 per month for nitrous-related services, moving into Ye’s apartment building and lying about where he got the money to do so, and more. Yiannopoulos also accused of continuing to give Ye nitrous despite the appearance of what the latter described as “distressing symptoms” related to use of the gas.

Who is Thomas Connelly?

Connelly, per an official website bio, considers himself “a trailblazer” in the world of dentistry, with a focus on diamond-centered work. The website states that Connelly has 25 years of experience, including time as a clinical professor. For his training, Connelly says he studied at the following institutions: the Mayo Clinic, the University of Detroit Mercy, and Louisiana State University.

For most, however, recognition of Connelly’s name will come in connection with his roster of high-profile clients beyond just Ye. Among the stars prominently featured on his Instagram are Lil Yachty, Post Malone, Shaq, Gunna, Chris Brown, and more.

Ye fans, specifically, may recognize Connelly’s name from a Bond villain grill that made headlines at the top of this year. Connelly, who worked with Ye on the fixed prosthodontics procedure behind the Jaws-esque piece, confirmed to Complex back in January that, despite claims that were surfacing at the time, Ye “did not have his teeth removed” to accomplish the Vultures 1 era look.

As Milo’s allegations made the rounds this week, some were quick to remark on Connelly’s undeniably jacked physique. On that topic, it’s worth noting that Connelly was once on the cover of Muscular Development magazine due to his propensity for bodybuilding.

Connelly is also noted for his tattoos. His bald head and both of his forearms are covered in ink.

Has Connelly spoken out about Milo’s allegations?

Through a spokesperson, Connelly has denied the allegations.

“Dr. Thomas P. Connelly categorically denies all the false allegations made by Milo Yiannopoulos in his affidavit,” the spokesperson said. “Mr. Yiannopoulos, who has admitted in the same affidavit to being motivated by personal grievances, has presented a narrative that is not only factually incorrect but also intentionally misleading. Dr. Connelly has never engaged in any reckless, unethical, or illegal conduct, nor has he ever endangered the health and safety of any of his patients.”

The rep continued, “Mr. Yiannopoulos, a self-admitted provocateur with a history of attention-seeking behavior, has fabricated a narrative that is both factually incorrect and maliciously intended to damage Dr. Connelly’s professional reputation. His allegations are completely unfounded and devoid of any credible evidence. As a licensed dental professional, Dr. Connelly adheres strictly to all ethical and legal standards, and any allegations to the contrary are baseless.”

According to the rep, Connelly “remains committed to providing the highest standard of care to all his patients and will continue to do so despite these unfounded attacks on his character and professional conduct.”

Has Ye addressed any of this?

As of this writing, Ye has not released a statement of his own nor has he responded to the news coverage. However, some fans have banded together under the Save Ye banner on social media. Though he didn’t specifically mention Ye, a more recent X update from Milo has also been interpreted as a message intended for his former boss amid the ongoing controversy surrounding the allegations.

“It is within your power to cut out the cancer, sir,” he said, in part.


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