Your weekly horoscope is here. Pisces season wraps in a magical moment on Wednesday, which is best for love and romance, channelling the muse and making some art. Or create a fun character to experiment with, even if it’s just for your partner, close friends, or socials. Low energy is best for dreaming, going within mystic/artistic pursuits rather than focusing on granular worldly matters. Thursday the sun hits fire sign Aries season marking the first day of spring, hoorah!! Shake off the lethargy and sprint into action, get to the gym, or go for a walk to shake off sluggishness. Whether inspired or overwhelmed, when we take action it can feel a lot better so be purposeful and get to it. On Saturday the romance and appreciation for art and beauty continues as the sun meets up with Venus. However with Venus and Mercury in retrograde, passionate sparks lit now are likely to change so take it step by step and enjoy the moment.

Read on to discover what’s in store for your sign during the week of March 15 through March 22, 2025.

Aries (March 21–April 19)

Last chance to sleep bank before Thursday because you know that when it’s on, it’s on! And from Thursday it’s go time as the Sun strides into Aries, and we all celebrate the day you were born! As Leigh Bowery, the outrageous Aussie Expat and Aries about London Town in the 80s to early 90s proclaimed, “I think the fact that I Am, you should be very grateful for”. That’s the Aries spirit we need right now. I don’t need to tell you this but it’s worth remembering that not all the other zodiac signs have been born with such a zesty spirit! You’re the sign of the warrior for this reason so take it upon yourself to lead with the best intentions. On Saturday the solar principle conjuncts Venus in your sign. Even if it’s not your birthday yet, round up your friends, treat yourself, or call date night.

Taurus (April 20–May 20)

Image may contain Animal Bull Mammal Cattle Cow and Livestock

As a sign who prefers the slow-and-methodical lane, you’ll be pleased to know this is your month to catch a few extra zzz’s and a slice of time to yourself. As the sun slides into pole position in Aries on Tuesday, it marks the spring equinox, a point of balance between day and night. You’ll feel the shift in your body, which is why I’m reminding you not to burn out on the first beam of non-wintery light. Aries season is fast-paced, impatient, loud, and brassy! So noise-cancelling earphones and an eye mask would make excellent side table additions. That said, get out and enjoy some nature to build your vitality ready for the next season, which of course, is yours! With a couple of planets retrograde, keep an eye on the rear vision mirror and go over something that calls for a review and edit.

Gemini (May 21–June 21)

Image may contain Animal Bird and Swan

Dust off your dance card, Aries season lights up your social sector, just in time for Spring! This zone is already activated and has a bit of backstepping thanks to retrogrades; take it as it comes and make changes on the trot. However, it’s an area of focus so do your dazzling best. Host, visit friends, party hop, and extend your circles. If you’re ready to pioneer an idea or activity, this is the time to do it. Try new things, blaze trails and you’re nailing the assignment. Be bold, take the lead and if you’re judging someone else it reveals about your resistance. Watch for impatience and remember to catch the detail as you’ll easily brush over something you don’t want to miss unless you remind yourself to do it. It’s a super fun week, kicking off a fab season.

Cancer (June 22–July 22)

Image may contain Food Seafood Animal Crab Invertebrate Sea Life and Plate

Aries season begins on Thursday along with Spring, and that’s great news!  Lighting up your sphere of career and public image, this period is brilliant for putting all that Spring energy into your professional goals, environment, and relationships. Over this time make a direct and honest appraisal of where you are, and where you want to be—then look at the path between the two so you can build a track to your goal. Take into account what you’re feeling, and want to feel, experience, try out, and put out into the world. This is a vertical not horizontal month, it’s about stretching into new territory that may not be familiar but it’s certainly enlivening. So don’t stay in your comfort zone too long. Dip your toe if not dive right in!

Leo (July 23–August 22)

Image may contain Animal Lion Mammal and Wildlife

As Aries season sets off with the first day of Spring on Thursday it’s time to get yourself out and about a lot more. That could be in body, mind, or spirit through travel, conversation, or falling in love with someone from a different part of the world than you. Taking risks is part of the m.o of this season, as is pioneering and not caring what others think. If you’re ready to debut a program, a D.I.Y channel, or take classes yourself, the start-up energy of this period is perfect. The moon is in its waxing phase which is also brilliant for getting something off the ground and cultivating it as you go. There’s plenty of emphasis on maintaining a reflective viewpoint and perhaps revisiting ideas or people from the past to see what you will or won’t take with you into your future.

Virgo (August 23–September 22)

Image may contain Plate Animal Butterfly Insect Invertebrate and Monarch

Anything to report after last week’s lunar eclipse in your sign? This may be an ongoing story as they come back through your birthday season bringing flashes of fate and dates with destiny. Opportunities that you may have dismissed may come back around and this time you’re ready to consider or nab them while they’re available. With your ruling planet, Mercury, retrograde, it’s likely you’re somewhere down on memory lane driving about in nostalgia so note what pops up. Reflection opens you up to spotting and taking new routes. Fortune favors the bold as Aries season begins on Thursday’s equinox, shining its light on your sphere of other people’s assets. That could be a collab with a person or company who wields clout but needs your clever talent. Think like an entrepreneur, negotiating as you go.

Libra (September 23–October 23)

Image may contain Plate Flower and Plant

Since your birthday season marks the autumn equinox of balanced day and night—you’re halfway around the sun as the spring equinox arrives on Thursday. Lighting up your relationship zone, it’s all about independence within your one-to-ones; find the balance. If you’re too much about the other person, or too much about you (said no Libra ever) then things have a habit of righting themselves. Better to take control of yourself. The mood is zesty, active, forthright, and placing all your cards on the table. Since Mercury and Venus are retrograde in this zone it’s worth reflecting on your relationships and deciding what you want to feel, experience, or the vibe. What do you want from them and who do you want to be in them? Have the conversations, try things out; no need to commit just yet.

Scorpio (October 24–November 21)

Image may contain Animal Insect and Invertebrate

Work and wellness catch the spotlight as Aries season activates this sector from Thursday. Marking the Spring equinox of balanced day and night, take note and find balance in these areas. Too much or too little exercise and beneficial health routines? If you’re not doing at least a little toward superhero status what are you doing? Knock out sluggishness by moving your body in the morning, even if you’d rather cozy up in bed just a little longer. Perhaps pick up inspo with a motivational book like ‘Atomic Habits’ or ‘The 5 a.m Club, Own Your Morning, Elevate Your Life.’ The title says it all. In terms of work, this is an entrepreneurial month with an independent streak. What are you ready to trail blaze or pioneer? Try new solutions or avenues, a side hustle, or leading a team. Keep going back to the drawing board to tweak as you go.

Sagittarius (November 22–December 21)

Image may contain Plate Clock Analog Clock and Wall Clock

Make room for love and leisure time as the spring equinox spotlights this area of your life. The theme is balance leaning into longer days, which means more activity. Be spontaneous with your plans, and consider if you’re ready to pick up an old hobby or something you always wanted to do but never quite got the chance, like, playing the piano or learning to ride a horse. Since the equinox marks Aries season, that buffers your energy as you’re both fire signs. Perhaps choose a project to focus on so you get it done in the initial excitement phase. Mercury and Venus are retrograde in this zone so yes plans and ideas will change. Perfect when you’re taking an experimental or developmental mindset. Get out and about to pioneer, explore, and enjoy the adventure.

Capricorn (December 22–January 19)

Image may contain Animal Antelope Mammal and Wildlife

Capricorn, you’re one quarter into your birthday year as spring Equinox stamps out a newly minted spring on Thursday. Activating your domestic sphere, it’s the perfect excuse to get everyone under your roof to pitch in for a quick spring clean. Organise and set up for summer. The challenge for you is the spontaneous side of this season, which is presided over by the Sun in Aries. This sign’s vibe is fast, in the moment, impulsive, and likes to take risks. The opposite of you, unless they’re calculated risks, that is. Keep your plans on track but leave room for adventure. It will light a fuse beneath you and put a spring in your step! Hosting is a handful but particularly rewarding, so take the lead and initiate proceedings.

Aquarius (January 20–February 18)

Image may contain Jug Water Jug Plate and Pottery

A new season is upon us as spring kicks off on Thursday promising longer, warmer days of golden sunshine and frolicking with friends. There’s no better time to explore your local neighborhood—make dates, get out and about and always ask for recommendations to break out of your usual haunts and tracks. Take an active approach and keep it moving—no getting stuck in one spot. Mercury and Venus are still retrograde in this zone so it’s even more likely you’ll run into someone from your past or turn up more curious tidbits. Reflect on a project or plan so you can go over it and perfect it. Keep working on whatever that is for you, it’s not quite ready for the final launch, but testing is advised.

Pisces (February 19–March 20)

Image may contain Animal Fish Sea Life Carp and Koi

Spring equinox marks the end of your birthday season on Thursday bringing equal light of day to the dark of night and a promise of warmer, longer days. So make the most of the first part of this week since it ends with a shimmering, creative vibe. Best spent sharing love, creative appreciation, or channeling your ideas onto paper or voice memo. Pick up a paintbrush, dance, or submerge in your inner world—it’s the last time this particular mash-up will occur in our lifetime and one of the most mystic. That said, it’s not one for clarity, it’s really much more about the unseen, foggy realms of the mystic, lover, and artist. So go with your inner flow.

Read the full article here


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