Your weekly horoscope is here. With three of four planets giving Gemini season the flick, say hello to SUMMER!! Cancer season begins as the sun hits peak altitude on Thursday, marking the summer solstice and the longest day of the year—hoorah!! This water sign is right on time for cool drinks, lounging poolside, and bonding with friends and family. The very next day, a full moon shines on emotional boundaries, responsibilities, and long-range commitments. Plan ahead as a Capricorn-flavored La Luna illuminates out-of-the-box options and fantasies; pick the best and forget the rest!

Read on to discover your weekly horoscope and what’s in store for your sign during the week of June 16 through June 22, 2024.


As the wheel of the seasons turns once more, the spoke of summer is at your door. Thursday marks the solstice point, so answer the call, grab your bathing suit and inflatables, and make a beeline for the nearest pool party over the weekend. As the monthly full moon lights up the sky on Friday, the peak in lunation is prime time for socials, activities, and if you prefer, getting ahead by burning some midnight oil. A challenge to your sign is set, so use any tension to power you on. Keep focused on something you want to achieve between home, profession, or your public face, and on your own personal identity and style. These three spheres of life don’t always go together seamlessly, so toggle as you bring to each sector what works best.

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The sun, Mercury, and Venus all head up your sphere of local connections this week, making it social as well as neighborly. With a family feel, perhaps it’s time to get involved in community spirit. Ever resourceful and hands-on, consider selling your wares or produce at a local makers market, setting up your own stall or pop-up shop. Consider organizing a cooperative as a more collective way to bring home the bacon. If nothing else, get out and about, sample local wares, and enjoy the network right here under your nose. Feeling the nostalgia of family, childhood, and bygone times? Indulge in some comfort food to bring positive memories flooding back. Friday’s full moon suggests a balance of opposites, so think global and tap into those far-flung professional connections, big plans, and ideas. Consider how you might be paid to travel, or at least video-conference in.

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