Every long-distance traveler knows the ordeal: You check your bag bursting with gear, and then you nervously head to your seat, hoping that the baggage handlers didn’t leave your goods on the tarmac. Why, my friend, haven’t you just ordered a luggage tracker already? While these handy little devices won’t make up for a desk agent’s lack of concern for your jawnz, they will give you a little more peace of mind when said person is having a hard time identifying where in the world your precious cargo has landed up. Luggage trackers will also make it easier to retrieve your stuff if, heaven forbid, it ends up in Manhattan, Florida, and not New York City.

One of the best that we’ve tried is the unassuming Apple AirTag, and right now, it’s on super sale all across the internet. Apple’s easily traceable tracker is wildly easy to use: Toss it in your suitcase, go about your travel plans, and check up on it like a doting parent. The AirTag will use Bluetooth to ping off other people’s Apple devices to send you a fairly accurate estimate of where it, and your bag, have landed. Plus, the AirTag is more than just a great way to keep tabs on your suitcase. Attach it to basically anything you might lose—your keychain, your wallet, laptop bag, the list goes on—and have Apple keep its watchful eye on your things.

At the ‘Zon, a four-pack of AirTags is on sale for 20% off, netting out to just $20 a pop (the lowest price we’ve ever seen it). Toss one in your suitcase, clip one onto your easy-to-lose keyring, and stuff one into your wallet to make sure you’re never having that “oh shit” moment again where you rummage through all your stuff to find what you’re looking for. If you’re hoping to test-run just a single AirTag, you can buy one on sale for $24—approximately the cost of a good meal and a drink in this economy—to ensure you know where your bag is at all times, regardless of some TSA agent who thinks they’re a javelin thrower with your suitcase.

Read the full article here


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