These days, Wilmot says, the biggest hurdles in styling athletes are sizing and tight turnarounds. Players are more knowledgeable than ever about designer brands and streetwear, and their requests are growing by the day. “Some of the stuff they want is pretty difficult to get unless it’s super oversized, and it’s typically the same brands, like Balenciaga, that’ll fit,” she says. While length is a constant challenge for hoopers, football players face the ultimate test: pants that won’t rip at the glutes. “Even when they have their sizes, it takes forever to get them.”

She often finds it’s quicker to source fabrics herself and create custom pieces from scratch. When mountainous New York Giants nose tackle Dexter Lawrence struggled to find trousers he could squeeze into, she hit up Houston tailor Ayodeji—who’s made custom pieces for Giannis Antetokounmpo and Jayson Tatum—to create bespoke dress pants for his six-foot-four, 340-pound frame. The experience inspired him to launch his own apparel line, Dexxywear, carving out a lane for the larger-than-life set.

Image may contain Clothing Pants Jeans Footwear Shoe Adult Person Accessories Jewelry Necklace High Heel and Hat

Wilmot and New York Giants safety Isaiah Simmons.

Asim Israel

Wilmot sees more athletes creating their own brands in the near future. “A lot of them are starting to understand what their marketability is, and they’re starting to feel like, ‘Hey, I’m interested in this more than just getting my photograph taken,” she says. Beyond that, she foresees more players tapping into womenswear, from accessories to unisex clothes. “Some of the pieces Stefon Diggs wears are women’s; LV jackets and things like that. If you’re on the smaller side and a wide receiver, it works,” she says. “I also haven’t seen this many guys with bags and purses ever. Now players are like, ‘Yo, if it’s unisex, we’ll rock it.’”

She expects flowy, supersized fits to continue having a stranglehold on tunnel fashion, but sees the look spilling out to city sidewalks as it becomes more accessible. “Entire Studios is giving that Balenciaga-on-a-budget. It’s one of the best brands right now when it comes to having that dope oversized style without breaking the bank.”

Other ways you can channel your favorite athlete’s pre-game swagger? “Having some key, minimal pieces that you can develop around is crucial,” Wilmot says. It can be as simple as a solid pair of dark, selvedge denim and some Uniqlo T-shirts. “I always tell my guys Uniqlo has the best basics; they’ve got good materials and can still be very effective.”

From there, it’s all about layering strategically—just like a team, you want to build a foundation and refine it over time, rather than blowing up your wardrobe and doing a full rebuild. “I think forever adding on to your look is always important in fashion. That’s one of the hacks I’ve taught my guys,” she says. “Just because you’re able to clear your closet out and start from scratch, doesn’t mean you need to. It’s a process.”

Read the full article here


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