No regrets. A perfectly timed F-bomb. Reading the writing on the wall and pulling out the ol’ whatever happens happens. This was an artful display. Even better, when asked for clarification on whether he actually meant that the Mets were the worst team, he said “probably.”

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The finale, though—and the answer to López’s whatever happens happens theory—came swiftly: the Mets immediately cut him. He is no longer on the team. Apparently hurling things at the paying customers who came to watch you and then dragging your employer through the mud is pretty frowned upon. López, for his part, does not give a fuck. (There was some discussion about whether López, who was speaking his second language, actually meant to say that the Mets were garbage—in effect, whether he was trying to call himself “the worst teammate” or the Mets “the worst team.” He doubled down, though, saying it was a combo platter of both, before posting on Instagram that “I said teammate.”)

To be clear, the silver-tongued reliever was not released simply because of this outburst. He had been pitching pretty poorly, showed little remorse for his actions, and also lied about meeting with team management before speaking with the media. López will probably be fine—everyone needs bullpen help, and he was an All-Star just two years ago—but his legacy will live on in Queens forevermore. Thank you, Jorge López, for turning a seven-run game on a Wednesday afternoon into the funniest game of the season thus far.

Oh, also, yesterday the team also placed their star closer on the injured list and their best power hitter was hit by a pitch on his hand. All in a day’s work for your New York Mets.

Read the full article here


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