Are earbuds or over-ear headphones more comfortable?

Honestly, it just depends who you are. Many people I know prefer over-ear headphones when it comes to comfort for an extended period of time, but as someone who wears glasses I know that can get uncomfortable. Depending on the thickness of your frames, certain earbuds may be more comfortable for long sessions. And that’s just one of many variables, not to mention ear size, shape, or piercings.

What are open ear headphones?

Open ear headphones are an alternative to earbuds that deliver sound without you needing to stick something in your ear. Open ear options on the market are expanding faster than ever. There is no definitive best approach yet, but most major brands including Bose, Beats, and Sony are trying something and seeing what sticks.

What are the best headphones for travel?

Uhh, cmon man, aren’t you listening? There is no one answer. When it comes to travel though, in addition to comfort we tend to prioritize battery life. You want to be able to get through a long ride without needing access to a charger. We understand it’s 2024, but just so you can have uninterrupted access to your entertainment.

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