In life there will be moments of harmony, disharmony, and repair before they cycle again. Try to notice which chapter you are in right now so you can prepare for the next chapter ahead. Don’t psyche yourself out in thinking things are “too good to be true.” It’s okay to expect good things now.

May 2024

Two of Cups: The month of May is offering you more than just birthday celebrations. Instead, you’re being gifted a chance to find your true calling and align with the life that you have always desired. Be wary, though. If you have been putting negativity out into the world, negativity you will get back. Instead of this being a straightforward month of receiving blessings, this month will be much more about getting exactly what you deserve! Karma isn’t a bad thing, it’s a mirror. If you are unhappy with how this month pans out, try to learn a lesson from what is happening around you. The universe is not punishing you, it’s playing a bit of monkey see, monkey do.

One of our greatest teachers for this lesson is the planet Saturn, who is currently sitting in Pisces until 2026. If you start to lose sight of why you are learning, training, and dedicating yourself to a better future, turn to Saturn for the answers. Or even better, wear him around your neck as a pendant to remind you that the pressure is eventually what turns coal into a diamond.

April 2024

three of cups tarot

Three of Cups: You have not yet met all of the people you’ll love the most in this lifetime, so it’s important for you to learn when to cut your losses. This month relish in the joyous moments of connecting with others who speak your same “soul language.” It’s a powerful reminder from the universe that the more you put yourself out there, the more chances you have to live the life you desire. What you want isn’t out of the question, but the person you are asking might not be the one who holds the answers.

So take time this month to reconsider what it is that you truly desire, and be frank with yourself about whether or not you are positioning yourself properly to get those things. If you’re willing to be honest, there’s a chance around April 29 (when Venus enters your sign) to gain what you deserve before the month concludes.

March 2024

two of swords tarot

Two of Swords: You may feel as if you are stuck between a rock and a hard place. It’s difficult for you to know what you want to do in life, in case you have to, subsequently, hit the Pause button. However, your spirit team is encouraging you to take a beat before you make any major decisions right now.

Instead of thinking the only way to success is through hard work and constant grinding, you can benefit this month from trusting that your goals and vision will still happen, even when you are practicing patience or resting. Other people do not have to understand your unique path, so it’s also important to drown out unnecessary input this month. Listening to your intuition will help you the most!

February 2024

five of cups tarot

Five of Cups: February might leave you feeling as if you’ve dealt with a great loss, and although this can be difficult, it can also open you up to an entirely new reality that leaves you feeling happier and more supported than ever before. Try to lean on your loved ones as you need to, and remind yourself that you are capable of making it through tough situations with grace. The person you need to be the kindest to at this time is yourself.

Read the full article here


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