I mean, I was so nervous each and every time I saw one of these escorts that I couldn’t really say that any of the times were that extremely enjoyable. The third one was very nice, she must have been 10 or 15 years older than me, very experienced, knew what she was doing. So that was nice.

I pick them based on if I think they’re attractive in their pictures. Or, I don’t know, if they seem nice. You don’t come across much in their pictures; you’re just looking at their pictures and their little bio that they wrote for themselves. Every time I saw someone it was an hour or maybe even a half hour because you know, I’m not that rich. I can’t reserve a whole evening with them, even though that would be nice. Every time I’ve done it I’ve met them at a hotel or maybe like an apartment that the service they work for owns.

It’s usually so like, quick and you know, not to be funny, but very in and out. We just do our business and they very politely shoo me out the door afterwards. We’ve never really done anything crazy. This is going to sound so vanilla, but I’ve never really made out with anyone. I remember the last escort I saw, I think three years ago now, she asked me up front, “What do you want to do?” and I said, “Could we make out?” and she laughed a little bit at me like that was a silly but cute thing to ask, and then she said, “No, we’re not gonna do that.”

I watch porn. I’m subscribed to a few OnlyFans accounts. I think I have gotten like a few custom videos from porn stars. But mostly these days I call phone sex lines because it’s within my budget and I like how personal it can get. I’m talking to someone and they’re responding to me. It’s not like just looking at a still photo or a porn scene. At a certain point I wanted something more personal and phone sex can get that for me.

I certainly dirty talk a lot more intensely with phone sex. I was just quiet as a mouse with escorts because it’s one thing to have to look someone in the eye and say dirty things and another to say them over the phone. I really enjoy being dominant during phone sex because I’m so quiet in life and belittle myself enough as it is that I like to, you know, be aggressive in my dirty talk during phone sex. I do it at least once or twice a week, but I should probably cut down.

There’s a website I use where all these women have profiles that say what they think they’re good at or whatever and they have what I’m assuming are not real pictures. It’s a trial and error thing where I’m like, oh, that person like, felt like they were phoning it in or I connected with that person. At this point I have regulars that I’ve called for years now.

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