He also premiered the chorus of the song on his podcast (?), and it’s upbeat.

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While we have to wait for the rest of the album to drop before we start parsing the lyrics for gossip (I mean, uh, meaning), let’s spend the next three months reminding ourselves that no matter what, Joe Jonas’s ex Turner is not a bad mom.

Because yes, people are still giving her shit on social media for the tabloid coverage of their divorce, and Turner’s alleged “partying.” As she explained to British Vogue in an interview earlier this year, as anonymous sources were claiming Turner was at the club instead of parenting her two children, she was actually working in the UK.

“I was contracted to be on set for another two weeks, so I couldn’t leave. My kids were in the States and I couldn’t get to them because I had to finish Joan. And all these articles started coming out,” Turner said. “It hurt because I really do completely torture myself over every move I make as a mother—mum guilt is so real! I just kept having to say to myself, ‘None of this is true. You are a good mum and you’ve never been a partier.’”

Just saying.

Read the full article here


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