Looking for a new beauty brand to obsess over? For our latest Q&A series, Glamour editors introduce you to some of our favorite skin care and makeup products that deserve a permanent spot in your rotation. Ahead, Shizu Okusa, founder of clean herbal remedy brand Apothékary, shares how she went from founding a cold pressed juice company to launching a tinctures brand, the ways she’s celebrating Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and the one product from her line that she recommends for everyone.

Glamour: How did you become interested in beauty and wellness?

It wasn’t about opportunity or market size, because I started in 2012 and the herbal remedy market was non-existent at that point. For me, it was really following my own personal problem. I left Wall Street—I was working in New York at Goldman Sachs and I had no access to quick, healthy nutrition that was really clean. My first company was a cold pressed juice brand, so if you can remember the days of Organic Avenue and Liquiteria and all of that, I started my first company called Jrink based in D.C.

After eight years of running Jrink and getting acquired, I didn’t stop. I realized this is, in Japanese, what we would call my ikigai—my life purpose—and I was slowly approaching this new category of my age. I was entering my 30s, and I have different health issues. It’s stress, it’s hormones, it’s mental health, it’s digestion issues, all the non-sexy stuff.

What is the one product from your brand you recommend for everyone?

We launched Take the Edge Off featuring yuzu, so I would say that product. Not only does it taste incredible, but it’s one of our very first white wine alternative tinctures. But then there’s a little twist to it with yuzu in it, which is a Japanese citrus fruit. It’s my favorite. It’s really good and a refreshing pop and ode to summertime, but you can take it any time of year. Especially if someone’s looking to cut back on drinking or sober-ish, then I would say that tincture is probably the best. It plays well with other drinks mixed in, but you can also take it directly.

Apothékary Take The Edge Off White Wine-Inspired Herbal Supplement

If I’m stressed during the day, I’ll take it directly on the tongue because it’s really fast-working. But if I want to have a fun mocktail moment, I’ll make a little drink. I do ginger beer every day. I like the idea of popping a sparkling water and hearing the can open and it feels like beer. I don’t like beer, so I do Never Been Bitter, which is our bitters tincture, and it has more bitter roots like burdock root that adds bitterness to the sparkling water. I add fresh turmeric and ginger into it as well, and a wedge of lime. It’s actually delicious and takes like beer.

What inspired you to start your own brand?

Read the full article here


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