He continued, “I really see a massive hole and I do not see anything getting better until that’s filled. This is very basic, but [rightwing media is] propaganda being used against people and I’m not gonna sit by and let that happen unanswered. That said, there’s a lot of ways to serve. I went to law school, I love politics, I wish I didn’t love politics but I do, I can’t help it. It’s, to me, the most interesting, fascinating thing, I can’t stop talking about it, I can sleep a lot of nights because I’m thinking about it. Whenever I go home, my parents and my sisters beg me to stop talking. So for better or worse I love it, and that’s never gonna change. I plan to stay very engaged and adapt with the times.”
What’s the scandal?
On February 3, Schlossberg popped onto a video and said, “Hey Megyn Kelly, it’s me, Jack Schlossberg…I’m just checking in, starting a dialogue, seeing if you’re okay…The two genders rule must be tough. None of us know which one you are. So let us know,” per the Daily Mail.
On February 5, Mail writer Maureen Callahan wrote an article essentially calling him a self-absorbed brat. The next day, he tweeted angrily about both Callahan and Kelly, calling the writer “Maureen Vajeen,” which the Mail is calling a “slur” (but I’m pretty sure it’s just a gross way to talk about a woman’s body?).
Later that day, he posted, “I’m sorry to everyone I hurt. I was wrong. I’m deleting all my social media. Forever. It’s been fun. Thanks anyways.” And made good on his promise. As of this writing, the boy is gone (or, let’s be real, is using a finsta).
A few days later, a citizen journalist found him in the wild (NYC) and reports that he is “going through it” but “okay.”
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What does the internet think?
People miss him! Slash maybe this is all a bit! Or a conservative psy op!
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Am I going to care about or remember this in two weeks?
Well, Schlossy doesn’t think so, telling Psaki, “People are saying, ‘you’re saying crazy stuff, people aren’t going to take you seriously. Why would you air out your stuff in broad daylight,’ I’m like, are you not looking at what’s going on on the other side? Apparently nobody cares. And that’s kind of the point I’m trying to make. Like yeah, you can make fun of me, [but I] don’t think you’re actually going to remember it in a week because something else is going to take your attention and you’re gonna forget, and I’m gonna do something else and then you’ll focus on that. And we’re all kind of evolving to understand that that’s how the media works and maybe we need different strategies to break through.”
So, will we forget about this latest dust-up? If he stays offline, yeah, prob.
However, in the final moments of the podcast with Psaki, Schlossberg pledged to continue posting on his own socials as well as “another outlet.”
Read the full article here