With great style comes great responsibility…or something like that. Ask Dakota Johnson.

On June 19, the Daddio star appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live! to discuss her new film while dressed in a gorgeous black midi dress with a delicate floral shoulder illusion. The $3900 Bottega Veneta look’s unique gold straps feature a dainty white flower floating about an inch above a green and gold leaf. At least, it’s supposed to. Unfortunately, when Kimmel was playing a clip from her new film opposite Sean Penn, the left strap collapsed.

“Your dress just came unhooked,” Kimmel pointed out, as if the 34-year-old actor holding it together by hand was unaware. “Are you alright? Should I get some Scotch tape?”

Ever the pro, Johnson laughed. “My dress… it just fell off,” she said, deciding to “just hold it.” After a bit of playfully awkward adjusting, she added, “The movie is really good.”

Dakota Johnson had to hold up her dress through the entire second half of the interview, and went on to tell an animated story about casting an interesting role in the film: the penis that would be featured in the “dick pick” sent by her character’s off-screen boyfriend.

“There’s not really a backstock of penis photos that are usable in movies,” Johnson told Kimmel. “Our amazing props master Diana Burton—who is a woman in her 60s — had a group of her male friends just anonymously send in photos to her.” Making sure to hold on tight to her strap, she laughed, adding, “The four of us… just like four women [saying], ‘This one’s nice.’ ‘That one’s not great.’ We really studied them.”

Ultimately, Johnson says the decision came down to two penises out of 15. “I felt like, because [the boyfriend] is such a douchebag in his texts, [and] that Girlie is so special, so there has to be something impressive about him,” Johnson continued, implying that they chose the larger option in the end, though she wasn’t sure if “impressive dick pick” got paid.

Read the full article here


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