Are you ready to step into your power this year, Capricorn? Your monthly tarotscopes—or tarot horoscopes, a combination of tarot cards and astrology—can help you shift your perspective and make the changes necessary for growth. You’ve got this. And your tarot horoscopes are here to help.

Read on to see what’s in store for your sign in 2024 with your monthly tarot horoscope, Capricorn. And if you’d like more guidance, check out Glamour’s weekly horoscopes or consult the other zodiac signs’ monthly tarotscope.

Meghan Rose is an astrologer, tarot reader, and writer based out of Los Angeles whose work bridges the magical and the material to create real change. Rose acts as a guide for her clients to help them navigate relationships, career, and everything in between. Learn more at and follow her on Tiktok, Instagram, and Twitter.

May 2024

Five of Pentacles: You may be feeling like no one understands you this month, and although it’s true that you are one of one, it’s also an unfair position for you to put yourself and your loved ones in by saying, “No one gets me and no one ever will!” This belief puts walls up that keep other people further away from you, and with no good reason.

Instead of keeping your heart at an arm’s length from everyone, why not let someone new into your life that could pleasantly surprise you with how caring and aligned they are with you? If the people from your past are not filling your cup up the way you had initially anticipated they could, it may be time to expand your social circle this month and find friendship in people who are on the same wavelength as you at this chapter in your life.

April 2024

Image may contain Art four of swords tarot

Four of Swords: Rest, rest, and more rest. This month is calling you to go inward and find more sustainable ways to get your needs met rather than feeling like you need to be running on “E” all of the time. Instead of putting the grind as a non-negotiable in your dream life, why not remove that overexertion from the equation and see how lovely your life can pan out? Ask for help as needed, and you’ll be surprised by how much more can get done when you collaborate with skilled people. You are not doing this alone, and it’s important for you to remember that as you’re scaling to the top. Instead, while Mercury retrograde in Aries is happening in your fourth house of home, why not turn your space into a spa and stay home? Adding in a microcurrent facial device to your weekly regime could encourage you to stay in rather than running out and exhausting yourself as often. Or encourage that even when you are exhausted, you won’t look it.

March 2024

the devil tarot card

The Devil: You might be feeling fixated on something (or someone) this month in a way that makes you feel as if you can’t escape it. It might haunt you when you’re alone, when you’re dreaming, or when you have too much time on your hands. Instead of fearing this feeling and running from it, use this month as a great opportunity to face your inner demons head-on as the Devil card arrives. This card is a Capricorn card in the tarot, so in some ways, this indicates that you are right on time and in perfect alignment to finally make this change. Although this might feel challenging to you, it’s okay to lean on others for support and guidance. You are never truly alone, Cap.

February 2024

two of cups tarot

Two of Cups: With so much struggle in your recent past, what you are going to realize this month is that life is starting to sing in a new key for you. You are going to have a chance to connect deeply with someone in a way that you never have before. What this connection is going to teach you is that the quantity of people you have in your life is not important (nor are the amount of texts, likes, or commas in your bank balance). Instead, having a few quality relationships, opportunities, and experiences in your life are all that truly matters. When you stop overcomplicating your own life and continuously raise the bar even higher, you will find that you are no longer disappointed with what it is that you have. You have more than enough, Capricorn. Rest on the search for more in February, and focus on being present instead.

January 2024

five of pentacles tarot

Five of Pentacles: You may feel a sense of longing for a time that does not exist and keep asking yourself why you are dwelling somewhere outside of this present moment. It’s easy to get into a period of reflection when the new year rolls around, but you will only get so far when you are keeping yourself in a rut. Try to honor the parts of you that are feeling heavy or dark this month without giving them too much power. Your feelings are coming up to show you something, but they are not factual or binding. Meaning that January still has great potential to bring you a sense of closeness, love, and happiness if you can allow your ups and downs to arise without judgment!

Read the full article here


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