The key component of an aura reading is interpreting the aura color meaning that appears in your energy. Your aura can reveal a lot of information about yourself, which is identified through the colors that represent various traits and characteristics. To put it simply, the colors are a representation of your true self. Once read, they can even be incorporated into your life in tangible ways, such as through your makeup and wardrobe.
You’ll first need an aura reading done by an expert to identify your colors. If you’re not familiar with aura readings, the process can sometimes include your photograph being taken, which will visually show you the colors your energy is emitting.
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The biggest beauty trend of 2025 is all about tapping into your inner color palette. Ahead, aura readers share color meanings and the best ways to incorporate them into your beauty products.
How to read your aura
Aura reader Stephanie Gunther of Twelve Month Aura takes photographs of clients followed by a reading to identify and explain what each color means.
“Basically, our bodies emit energy, and we have energy centers that run up and down our spine,” explains Gunther. “Each of those centers is called a chakra, and depending on what’s going on in your life, your energy moves between those spaces.”
Your energy is picked up by resting your palms on hand plates as you get your photograph taken. “That hand plate is picking up the frequencies you’re emitting, and through that, it then transfers the color of your frequencies onto your photograph, and then your reader can take that photograph and talk to you about what’s going on,” she says.
As for what your aura reading can reveal, spiritual expert Elizabeth April says it’s a combination of things. “The colors are a representation of you, your personality, and then also a representation of your chakras,” she says. “There is sort of a core essence of who you are embedded in your aura, and those would be your main auric colors. So your main auric colors are just a representation of your personality. Aura energies are also reflections of the chakras as well. So for example, if you have a lot of blue in your aura, it’s a good indication that you’re very communicative. You love talking or you have that sort of expression.”
Instead of using photographs and plates, April can read auras by just looking at clients. “I’ve seen auras since I was a kid,” she says “So that’s just something that I’ve been able to tune in with over time. And then of course, interpreting those energies—what do they actually mean and represent? That came in my adult life.”
April encourages people to tap into their own natural abilities to read energy. “Even though people may not people able to see or read auras, there’s always this energetic color or transparent layer being reflected in each of us,” she says. “Aura readings are such a powerful tool because it’s kind of therapy in the way that it shows us who we are in a very objective way. I would read people’s aura, they would look at me like, ‘How do you know me so well?’ And I’m like, ‘I’m just reading your energy.’”
Aura color meaning
Below are the different colors that can appear in aura readings. If you have a lot of one color or none of another color, don’t fret. Gunther reassures all clients that there’s no right or wrong way to interpret readings. “The fact that you don’t have any reds or oranges, for example, it’s not a bad thing,” she says. “There’s no such thing as a bad aura. I definitely emphasize that because people get really nervous sometimes. They see something ‘bad,’ but it does not exist.
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