Some symptoms of high vitamin B12 are difficulty breathing and tightness in the chest, accelerated heartbeats, palpitations, anxiety and insomnia, and a feeling of swelling, itching or skin rashes.

In these cases it’s essential to consult your doctor.

How do I get more Vitamin B12 through my diet?

Vitamin B12 is found exclusively in animal products like meat, liver, fish, shellfish, milk, and eggs.

Plant-based foods are not a source of vitamin B12. In the past, it was mistakenly believed that some algae, such as spirulina, could provide it, but it has been shown that it is actually a compound that is a pseudo-vitamin B12, not comparable to that from animal sources, and is inactive in humans, not bioavailable and not assimilable.

Tempeh, made from fermented soybeans, and kombucha are among the few plant foods in which vitamin B12 is present, but they do not contain enough of it to make a real difference.

However, some studies have pointed to the properties of one seaweed in particular: Purple seaweed, also known as nori like that used in sushi, is also rich in iron and fatty acids. Nori, therefore, is a possible plant that could help support the presence of vitamin B12 in vegetarian diets.

Not all experts agree, however, and most continue to suggest that vitamin B12 should be supplemented for all those on a vegetarian diet.

How should I get my Vitamin B12 if I’m vegetarian or vegan?

In order to follow a vegetarian or vegan diet in a healthy way, it’s essential to seek the advice of experienced nutritionists and to take vitamin B12 supplements, checking blood levels periodically.

Vitamin B12 is the one nutrient that you cannot take in quantitatively enough through food if you follow an exclusively plant-based diet.

How should I choose a Vitamin B12 supplement?

Eating properly is the first step to replenish vitamin B12 and maintain its proper levels in the body. But in cases where this is not possible, because you are on a vegetarian diet, for example, or in all other cases where a specialist deems it appropriate, you can take vitamin B12 dietary supplements.

There are many different types of vitamin B tablets—of the whole group, vitamin B6, or, more specifically just vitamin B12. To figure out what the best vitamin B12 supplement is and how to choose it, you must start with a blood test to determine the level of deficiency and consequently the intensity of supplementation needed.

To do this, we recommend seeking advice from your doctor. It’s the best way to make sure you are supplementing properly, and start feeling better.

This story was first published in Vogue Italy.

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