15. Fix your sleep.

If you snore and wake up disoriented—or otherwise show some warning signs for sleep apnea—see a doctor and get assessed for a sleep study. If you’re having more ordinary problems with insomnia, consider a sleep cognitive behavioral therapy program, which has been shown to be more effective than sleeping medication.

16. Cook something delicious.

Ultra-processed foods are the current nutritional bogeyman, which is “as close to being right as conventional wisdom about diets has ever gotten,” according to the great nutrition writer Tamar Haspel. This is a drag, in some ways: When Annie’s mac and cheese was “healthy,” ignorance was bliss. But this new way of thinking comes with some upsides: It’s maybe not exactly the case that you can eat whatever you want if you cook it yourself from scratch, but you could do much, much worse as a rule of thumb.

17. Get off the blood sugar rollercoaster.

Image may contain Mark Hyman Face Head Person Photography Portrait Happy Smile Adult Body Part Mouth and Teeth

“So many men focus solely on building muscle or losing weight, but they often overlook the importance of balancing their blood sugar and insulin levels. Chronic high blood sugar and insulin resistance can lead to a host of issues like weight gain, decreased energy, and an increased risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and even Alzheimer’s. By focusing on a whole-food, low-glycemic diet rich in healthy fats, high-quality protein, and lots of vegetables, men can not only improve their metabolic health but also enhance their overall well-being and longevity.” —Mark Hyman, MD, founder and senior adviser for the Cleveland Clinic Center for Functional Medicine and host of the Health Hacks podcast

18. Pack your lunch.

Not every day! At least, not necessarily. Just tomorrow.

19. Meal prep three days at a time.

Image may contain Face Head Person Photography Portrait Happy Smile Body Part Mouth Teeth Adult and Selfie

“Meal prepping for the entire week may look good on social media, but the reality is that you’re going to get sick of that food midweek. Meal prep for three days and then halfway through the week, switch up your protein or other ingredients so your meals taste fresher and are more exciting. Meal prepping twice a week sounds daunting, but it really only takes 30 minutes to meal prep for three days. You’ll see that it cuts down on food waste, too, because you end up throwing less away.” —Kevin Curry, author and founder of Fit Men Cook

20. Fund a mega backdoor Roth IRA.

If you’re ready, that is. First, figure out where your personal financial situation fits into this giant flow chart prepared by the extremely fastidious posters on personal finance Reddit. You may have to untangle your priorities: Heaven forbid you’re paying off a low-interest student loan before you harvest your employer’s match on contributions to retirement accounts. But once you’re set, you’ll know what’s next to level up your financial situation—and you’ll also be able to see 10 steps ahead.

21. If you need to save more, automate it.

Image may contain Face Head Person Photography Portrait Adult Happy Smile Purple Outdoors Nature and Selfie

“The key to building wealth is by creating automatic behaviors. I don’t care if it’s just $50 or $100 a month, just start the process of having an automatic investment either go into your Roth IRA or an individual investment account. That way, your money has the opportunity to grow. People will be shocked to learn that if you start early enough, 85% to 90% of their retirement account is actually the growth of the account, not their contributions. But you have to give it enough time to compound interest and growth to do its magic.” —Brian Preston, CPA, CFP, PFS, founder and host of The Money Guy podcast and author of Millionaire Mission.

22. Cancel a subscription.

Did you get Peacock just to watch the Olympics? Download a hiking app for a vacation in June? Don’t let that charge hit even one more time!

23. Send a cold email.

You don’t even have to ask for anything. Do you enjoy someone’s article, or look book, or puppet show? Drop a note to say so! But if you have something to ask for, shoot your shot respectfully: It should be quick and realistic, and make it clear that you’re making a personalized request of a specific person, not spamming everyone you can think of. And don’t use Chat GPT—it’s rude even if they can’t tell.

24. Audit your grooming.

Wash your face with a dedicated cleanser, not bodywash or hand soap. Your deodorant should not be leaving you with a burning and itching sensation. You don’t have to live with ingrown hairs. If you’ve got splotches or bumps, try the dermatologist; if your toenails hurt, see a podiatrist.

25. Wear sunscreen.

Image may contain Face Head Person Photography Portrait Happy Smile and Adult

“The number one habit men can do to keep their skin healthy as it ages is to put on sunscreen. In general, sunscreen use is not hugely popular among men. Purchase a sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and put it on your face every day, even if you aren’t going out in the sun.” —Muneeb Shah, DO, FAAD, dermatologist and founder of Remedy Science

26. Plan a hang.

Hit the group chat and make a plan to see Gladiator II on opening night—at the good theater with the recliners, because you ball. Get concert tickets or a dinner reservation and ask someone who would enjoy your company—romantically or otherwise—to fill the extra seat. Maybe even throw a party.

Read the full article here


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