Keep seeing 2222 everywhere? Clocks, receipts, signs, phone numbers?

If you’ve ever checked the time at the exact moment it turned 22:22, it’s likely you already have a sense of what angel numbers are. It might sound a little mystical, but numerology is actually a rapidly expanding area of study. And if we’re open-minded enough to tune into it, there’s a chance we could start reaping the results. Anything is possible, right?

Glamour wanted to learn more about why 22/22 is such an important date in numerology, so we spoke to several experts: Chris and Suzanne Styles, the founders of Numerology for Women; Zee, physic and founder of Zee to Zen; and astrologer Francesca Oddie. Read on to find out what angel numbers are, what they mean, and how we can harness their power.

What are angel numbers?

First of all, what is an angel number? According to Chris and Suzanne, “Repeating numbers (like 1111, 2222, 3333, or 444) or numbers that appear in a significant sequence (like 1234, 1551, or 2020) are referred to as angel numbers.

They add, “The use of the name angel is because it’s believed that these are deeply significant spiritual messages for you from The Universe / Higher Power / Source Energy.”

What does 2222 mean?

If you’re seeing 2222 on the clock, on receipts, and on license plates, you might be wondering: What does it mean?

“Seeing lots of 2222 is a sign of flow,” says Oddie. “A sign that partnership, harmony, and connection is surrounding you. It’s the reassurance you need to let you know you’re on the right path and to keep going.”

“The number 22:22 is an angel number, which represents harmony and serenity,” adds Zee. “It holds a very strong message that you must find balance in your life and that you need to gain clarity on what you want to desire and cocreate with the universe to take aligned action.”

What should you do if you see the 2222 angel number?

So, what should you do if the universe is telling you to rediscover a sense of balance?

“Relax, reflect, and journal to dig deep into your thoughts,” says Zee. “The main focus is that we must be in a state of gratitude for what we have in the present moment in order to manifest the magic on this day. People forget we cannot receive if we are not grateful for what we already posses.”

Zee continues, “A tip to show your gratitude is sit in a state of reflection and really look at how far you have come. Feel and visualize the gratitude you have; once you have sat in that mindset, take yourself to a place of the future you. Use that time on the clock, 22:22, this evening to really visualize who you want to be, how does that person act, feel, look, talk, or even show up. You will feel an overwhelming happiness and truly step into that version of you for a couple of minutes. The alignment of the numbers really is magic in itself.”

Read the full article here


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