If you want the convenience of a spray, you definitely want something that’s actually convenient. Read: no need to rub it in forever and a quick-drying formula. This sheer SPF not only expertly fits the bill, but is also widely available at just about any drugstore. Zaineb H. Makhzoumi, MD, a director of clinical services and head of dermatologic surgery and oncology at University of Maryland Medical Center, touts it as both affordable and effective SPF spray, telling Glamour it’s a good pick for the entire body—scalp included—since it’s 100% clear and lightweight.

“I’ve tried dozens upon dozens of spray sunscreens, and this is one of the only ones that is truly clear as it comes out of the can,” says Glamour contributor Brigitt Earley. “It dries almost instantly, too,” she says. “I’m talking 10 seconds or less.” It’s what she reaches for when at the pool with her kids, because she likes it for herself, but also loves the fact that her antsy kids don’t have to wait ages for it to dry. They can get right to playing, she says.

Active ingredients: Avobenzone, homosalate, octisalate, octocrylene, oxybenzone / SPF: 45 / Water-resistant: 80 minutes / Size: 5 oz.

  • What we love: Nongreasy; dries quickly; water-resistant for up to 80 minutes
  • What could improve: May not be the best choice for sensitive skin

Read the full article here


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